Archive | November 2014

Top Twelve Christmas Movies

Now that I am looking forward to my next move, back to Ohio, time seems to be crawling along at a snails pace.  Some days feel more like weeks.  I been feeling that antsy feeling of ‘I can hardly wait’ and experiencing a little anxiety…  This is not all due to the excitement of the much anticipated and surprising move home, but also a self induced anxiousness and fear about my move to attempting to earn a living by writing.

I’m afraid of failure in this arena, not because it’s failing… because it would imply that I might need to obtain a ‘regular job’.  Perish the thought!

One of the more amusing ways I’ve had of biding my time (down to 6.5 weeks now), is by watching countless Christmas movies.  I have always loved the holiday season, and am thankful I was home last year to celebrate with family and friends.  A ritual of mine, no matter where I’m living, is to watch my favorite holiday movies.  This year I’m compelled to come up with a list…why twelve?  Well, first it’s an even dozen, and second, there are ‘twelve days of Christmas’ – so here goes!

#12 The Santa Clause, 1994 stars Tim Allen as Scott Calvin who just so happens to be the new Santa, much to the delight of his young son and the chagrin of his ex wife and her new hubby.  Delightful and fun for the whole family, this movie makes me believe in Santa!

#11 This Christmas, 2007 is fun and the only movie here featuring a family of color.  Courtney and I saw this in the theater, and up until then I didn’t know who Chris Brown was.  He plays one of the grown children of ‘M’Dear’ as everyone, even her kids, call her, a very domineering and no nonsense matriarch.  This totally dysfunctional family is a hoot and the story is sweet, plus Chris Brown sings a couple times.

#10 One Magic Christmas, 1985 is a Disney non animated movie starring Mary Steenburgen as a mother who is crabby and doesn’t believe in Santa and Harry Dean Stanton as her guardian angel. Though cheesy, it’s a fun movie and will leave you feeling satisfied.

#9 Prancer, 1989 features Sam Elliot as a frustrated widower, trying to make ends meet with his failing farm and two kids.  His young daughter rescues a found reindeer who she believes to be Prancer.  I even like the happy ending when Prancer flies off the end of the cliff, or at least we think he flew off and didn’t plummet to his death.

#8 Miracle on 34th Street, 1947 is the original and the best of this title.  The 1994 remake, though good, just seems a little forced and hokey as a more modern story. A little girl helps her mother overcome her cynicism with the help of Kris Kringle.

#7 The Family Stone, 2005 is a great comedy with a few dramatic undertones about a large family of grown siblings and their parents, played by Diane Keaton and Craig T. Nelson.  Sarah Jessica Parker is awesome as the new girlfriend most everyone in the family dislikes.

#6 Christmas in Connecticut, 1947, stars Barbara Stanwyck as a journalist forced to live her fake life and identity as a wife and mother on a farm in Connecticut, in order to keep her job.  Silly, whimsical and old fashioned, this movie is sure to make you laugh and smile.

#5 It’s a Wonderful Life, 1947, happens to be my brothers holiday favorite.  Jimmy Stewart stars as George Bailey, the honest, hard working, regular man who puts aside his dreams to serve the community.  Frustrated on Christmas Eve, George wishes he were never born; and soon finds out just how many lives he has touched.   George then learns extreme gratitude for his simple life.

#4 White Christmas, 1946 is my sisters fave!  Starring Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye, as well as Rosemary Clooney, this music infused film is a refreshing and amusing story.  Of course, there is romance, friendship, Santa and snow.  Soon you’ll be singing….’I’m dreaming of a white Christmas’…

#3 Scrooge aka A Christmas Carol, has so many great versions, I don’t think I can choose one as my favorite.  The 1951 original starring Allister Sim is great, the 1970 musical version with Albert Finney is uplifting and the 1984 remake with George C. Scott is terrific.  I’m not mentioning the Disney McScrooge, but it’s sure to please the littlest ones.

#2 ELF, 2003 has one of my all time favorite comedic actors Will Ferrell as Buddy the Elf.  Buddy learns he was adopted and leaves the North Pole to find his father, who happens to be on the naughty list, in New York City. Plenty of giggles, and Ed Asner makes a great Santa!

#1 National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, 1989 stars Chevy Chase as lovable lunk, Clark Griswold. I cannot watch this movie enough, with it’s fantastic one liners and hilarious dialogue, it’s a veritable laugh riot through and through!  Maybe I also love this movie because Clark is just a regular family man who wants to show his clan ‘a good ole fashioned family Christmas’, including Randy Quaid who is brilliant as cousin Eddie. If you have never watched this, it’s a must see!

Get your Christmas spirit on!

Free book in exchange for honest review

Yes, that’s right….if you haven’t already paid for your copy of Mongolia Monologues by yours truly and would like a free copy, I’ll tell you how to get one!

If you have purchased the book – thank you. If you liked the book, please pass it along, spread the word, recommend it to others, suggest it to your book group and consider writing a review somewhere. This is how I choose books, from recommendations, and exactly how I anticipate my book may sell and an audience emerge…

To get your free copy…..go to, peruse books to review and choose mine! It’s listed under non fiction and memoir/biography. Follow the instructions to download your free copy, then simply read and enjoy the book, finally leave an honest review of the book on


Random thoughts…

Patience is a virtue, and one that I seem to be losing rapidly. I’m out of sorts lately. Impatient, sullen and anxious. Perhaps even a little depressed. The past several weeks I’ve been struggling to make a decision about when to move back to Ohio. I worried about having the option to renew for Spring semester. Once I was offered the option to stay longer, I knew I wanted to go back asap. Finally, after driving myself crazy with indecision and unnecessary anguish, I decided to return in January.

I’m happy with the choice, just scared shitless more or less… You see, I’d really thought I’d want to remain living abroad much longer….like until I retired. But I changed my mind. Maybe home and its magnetic pull are just too strong for me to resist any longer. Perhaps a girl named Gretchen and a boy named Carter have a little something to do with my decision as well. These two munchkins are only the tip of the iceberg of loved ones I’ll be ecstatic to live close to once again.

Deep down though I must admit that a part of me feels a little defeated at the thought of returning home. My great adventure living abroad has lasted four years, so really I guess it’s okay for me to return. These are only my own personal weird standards. The vagabond granny is coming home to Ohio! I have grown weary of the nomadic lifestyle, moving each year to a new country and a new job, meeting new people. What was once so exhilarating has begun to seem exhausting. Heeding the voice in my head, I’m Ohio bound. (Just to clarify, I don’t really hear voices, just that one little voice we all have).

The scary part of returning home is income. The thought of having a ‘regular job’ again is aggravating and depressing. Living abroad I’ve worked part-time as an ESL teacher. It’s been an easy-going and fun job, but not one I’ll be able to replicate in small town Ohio. I’ve once again thrown caution to the wind and am stepping out onto the ledge to try a new venture. Writing is not new to me. Attempting to earn a living by doing so is.

The book has been approved and published through Bookbaby (self publishing)… Of course, there was a big snafu and I’ve been unable to download and review the final copy… If it’s not the computer it’s simply computer operator error. I decided to once again say the hell with caution and I approved it, sight unseen…I’ve thrown it out to the universe to guide me and I’m a little frightened, but hey, been there before. Why the hell not?! Cross your fingers for me and maybe even buy the book…

Part of my crap mood in addition to the scary move back home, has been due to a change in my meds as well I believe. I’m uncertain of the stats, but I’d venture to say that a large number of women of a certain age take anti depressants just like me. I’ve been on them for 17 years. I was diagnosed with depression at the age of 41 when I finally gave up smoking cigarettes. Weirdly enough, I also started suffering symptoms of early onset menopause at the same time. Hormone replacement therapy was part of my routine for several years, until I decided that I shouldn’t take it long term due to possible negative side effects. The anti depressants I could not do without. Believe me, I have tried. Say what you will, but I for one can attest that there is a brain chemistry issue that such drugs correct!

One of the challenges of living abroad and taking anti depressants is researching and finding what variety of meds are offered and their availability in various countries. When I was in the Peace Corps, they provided my name brand Effexor XR which was awesome (it’s a great drug, and not cheap). In Ukraine, I was able to buy the same meds, made in Hungary for $65. US monthly, which was affordable and I gladly paid it.

Once I knew I’d be leaving Ukraine and heading to China, I figured maybe it was time to switch to a less expensive anti-depressant option. You see, like so many other things in China, anti depressants are difficult to get. In fact you must see a doctor in a psychiatric facility and can usually obtain only a very small quantity at a time. There is the old school stigma of ‘mental illness’ here that says, ‘you are crazy’ and the drugs are strictly regulated.

I knew I’d need to bring a supply of anti depressants with me to China, and maybe even have some sent to me later. Switching to generic Celexa, I found they worked really well and I adjusted to them during my two months in Ohio last winter.

Armed with several months supply when I arrived in China I figured I’d deal with it later… Which arrived before I knew it. After checking with several people, I learned that meds from the USA were not likely to reach me in China. They would likely be confiscated and destroyed.

Time for Plan B; traveling in Asia during my summer break, I opted to visit an international hospital in Bangkok, saw a shrink and got a prescription. Turns out they don’t use generic Celexa; instead he wrote me a script for Lexapro. Awesome I said. Until I was told the price at the pharmacy… not affordable. In the end the doc gave me generic Prozac which makes me tired and just isn’t quite the right thing for me. Heavy sigh…

My mood has improved a little these past few days, just knowing the decision is made, my flight bought and paid for, my notice given, the book launched and now whatever happens happens. I’ll figure it out; I always do.

One of the places I will miss here in Ganzhou is RT Mart; the biggest supermarket in the area where I can actually find milk and bread. As you can see by the pics I snapped while shopping yesterday, it’s too bad I’m not a big seafood lover!

how about some fresh seaweed for dinner?

how about some fresh seaweed for dinner?